Hunchly is an absolutely essential part of my investigations toolkit. I cant count how many times its helped me save something that later disappeared, or to identify connections between webpages.' - Craig Silverman (Media Editor, BuzzFeed News) - Never take a screenshot again! Hunchly captures the web content you visit automatically, and makes it much easier to stay organized. - Stay focused on what matters - the investigation! Hunchly works quietly in the background, and with the blacklist and capture toggle, you can make sure youre only capturing what you need. - Page you saw got taken down? No probblem! Hunchly makes highly accurate offline copies in case the page you visited gets taken down or changed. - Protect against tampering! Every page, image, and attachment in Hunchly is given a unique fingerprint ('hash') at capture.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Hunchly 2.0 Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Hunchly 2.0 Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
OSINT tool for images. Scans page for images with EXIF metadata, while browsing. Also has context menu options for images.
Highlight IPs, domains, and URLs on any website to enrich them using Pulsedive's free threat intelligence data set.
InVID WeVerify extension
Perform a search by image. Choose between the image search engines Google, Bing, Yandex, and TinEye.
OSINT web extension
OSINT Swiss army knife:bookmark/record pages, store screenshots, scrape and enrich entities. Finds text on every page + highlight.
DumpItBlue is a tool that helps to dump Facebook stuff for analysis or reporting purposes.