IBM RPA Web Recorder Chrome Extension

IBM RPA Web Recorder chrome extension

IBM RPA Web Recorder for Chrome Download

  • Chrome Extension Page
  • Total Number of Extension users:
    1K +
  • Reviewed by :
    2 Chrome Users
  • Author Name:
  • ['', 'R. Tutóia, 1157 - Vila Mariana São Paulo, SP 04007-900 BR', 'True', 'IBM', 'IBM RPA Automation', 'IBM']
IBM RPA Web Recorder chrome extension is Create a RPA Automation script by recording browser actions.

The web recorder is a tool in IBM RPA Studio that record your actions on a browser,
automatically adding the equivalent command in your script. You can use the web
recorder to map elements or record your actions in a website.
This extension enables IBM RPA Automation to aid on developing scripts targeting web
browser automation.

Using web recorder
1. Log in to IBM RPA Studio.
2. Create a new script or open an existing script.
3. On the Home tab, click Start Recorder.
4. Click the Activate Web Recorder icon.
5. Select a browser option:
o Chrome
o Edge
o Firefox
6. In your selected browser, click the Web Recorder extension to activate it:
o If the icon is gray, the plug-in is installed and working.
o If the icon is blue, the recorder is sending commands to IBM RPA Studio
when activated by the recorder for the selected browser.
o If the icon is red, the plug-in is installed, but failing to communicate with
the IBM RPA service.
English (United States) Robotic Process Automation Start recorder

How to install IBM RPA Web Recorder chrome extension in chrome Browser

You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the IBM RPA Web Recorder Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.

  • Step 1: Go to the Chrome webstore or download the extension IBM RPA Web Recorder Chrome Extension Download from
  • Step 2: Now search for the IBM RPA Web Recorder in Chrome Webstore Search and click on the search button.
  • Step 3: click on the IBM RPA Web Recorder Chrome Extension Link
  • Step 4: in the next page click on the Add to Chrome button to Download and Install the IBM RPA Web Recorder extension for your Chrome Web browser .

IBM RPA Web Recorder Chrome extension Download

Looking for a method to IBM RPA Web Recorder Download for Chrome then this download link is for you.

It is the IBM RPA Web Recorder Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.

Download IBM RPA Web Recorder chrome extension (CRX)

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