The extension significantly improves and simplifies the interface of the online browser game The extension is useful for Ikariam players ONLY. In this version, all the extension code is completely rewritten, from the extension core to each function separately. Many bugs of the old version are fixed, HUD and UI improved, some new features were added. All the main extension features are presented at the screenshots. Main features: - In the city: - Display of building levels in the city - Quick buttons for upgrade / downgrade building levels - Display of the amount of resources needed to increase the level of the building - On the island - Levels of mines on the island - Marking of cities of specific alliances (the ability to color the cities of alliances you are interested in) - On the world map - Search of suitable islands by specific parameters (resource, miracle, occupancy of the island) - Time to sail to the island - General - Fast city change (if you have more than one city) - The transporter:quick buttons for sending resources / army / fleet to your other cities (if you have more than one city) - Quick open of the form for a message to the alliance (if you are in an alliance) - Quick embassy opening of the (if available) - Display of income / outcome of resources in the current city - Buttons for convenient choice of the required number of resources (±500, +1000, +2000, +5000) are added. - Ikalogs - Combat reports saving at (many bugs fixed, code completely rewritten)
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the IkaEasy V3 Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the IkaEasy V3 Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Notifications on activity at Cities, Army, Research and Diplomacy.
[EN][FR][ES][TR][DE] Improves the OGame interface by adding elements and menu entries.
Browser extension with an ability to preform basic tasks for Travian game.
A faster way to send expeditions!
OGI - To Ogame's infinity and beyond!
The first BiteFight bot for Google Chrome and Firefox! Automate your adventure!
Resource distribution is the 'key'
Improve your gladiatus experience!