Show image info when your mouse over an image, including width, height and file size in kb.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Image info Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Image info Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Inserts option in the browser's image context menu to view image width, height and file size.
Gives a detailed info about the image like URL, alt text, file size and dimension
Enhances the browser's default image viewer
Displays discrepancies in size between source and presentation.
Get properties(including dimensions, URL, file size, file type info) of the image your cursor is pointing to via context menu.
Creates a gallery view of images on page.
Check for incorrectly resized and single-pixel images
Display information about an image.
Adds a context menu entry to open a popup window with some image details.
Quickly copy the title of page and url into your clipboard!