Browse the web, find a video you like, and click the extension to turn it into an awesome GIF.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Imgur Video to GIF Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Imgur Video to GIF Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Replaces animated gifs throughout the internet with gfycat optimized HTML5 videos.
FREE FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY This allows you to download HTML5 videos from web pages as gif files. Mostly intended to be used on…
Get links to 3 second GIFs of the YouTube video you're watching
Capture visible content of a tab, desktop screen, or selected application window as a animated GIF image.
This lightweight extension simply adds a right-click context menu item for opening optimized GIFs with
gifster chrome extension
Create animated GIFs from existing video file(s) or images!
The easiest way to express yourself with gifs.
Make animated GIF from static photos.