Use text to highlight tasks as you type in Google Tasks™! Works with the Google Tasks version at You can use the following patterns for highlighting: • (x) — red highlight background and the (x) becomes an icon • /! — yellow highlight background and the /! becomes an icon • ★ — intense blue highlight background • ☆ — light blue highlight background • (~) — fades the whole task and (~) becomes an icon Labels are (for now) just a special character followed by any words optionally separated by dashes. However, any patterns may be supported in the future, such as the comment highlight and number highlight below. You can use the following patterns for labels: • +alphanumdash — '+' followed by any words and dashes • #alphanumdash — '#' followed by any words and dashes • @alphanumdash — '@' followed by any words and dashes • {*anychar*} — any character sequence between '{*' and '*}' • {digits} — any number of digits between '{' and '}' Support for customizing patterns and colors is planned for a future version.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Improvements for Google Tasks™ Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Improvements for Google Tasks™ Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Better organise your Google Keep notes
Manage your Google tasks todo list with a visual Kanban board
Access and manage all your Google Tasks™ directly in Chrome
Stay on top of emails with Todoist for Gmail
Easily create tasks for GQueues - the task manager built for teams on Google Workspace.
Turn emails into actionable tasks with GQueues - the task manager built for teams on Google Workspace.
Yanado turns your Gmail into powerful collaboration tool. Create tasks and turn emails into tasks within seconds.
Overwhelmed by too many to-dos in your inbox? Turn Gmail into an effortless task manager to never forget anything important at work.
Quickly access and edit your Google Tasks™ conveniently from within Google Chrome
Supercharge your inbox with collaboration. Convert emails into tasks.