Insta-Wow! The perfect certification for all those incredible moments. Wally will pop up and say wow when you click the toolbar button. Press it some more times to be wowed even more! This extension does not contain a persistent background process, and requires NO special permissions! Wow!
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Insta-Wow! Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Insta-Wow! Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
An MLG extension that puts hitmarkers in your browser.
A little bit of motivation for any occasion!
Strike the web!
Let Shia Labeouf motivate you with 'JUST DO IT!' monolugue
5% chance of doge every time you load page
Here he comes!
Add 'MUCH WOW' to any page on the web.
such god doge
PPAP extension by Martin and Micheal. Click on it and it will play the PPAP video in animated box. v8.0.
Largest Web Store meme soundboard with over 700 sounds! Made by