Use JunkFill to auto-populate/auto-fill all form elements on any web page with custom or random data and get to your target page quick. JunkFill fills text boxes, selects, radio buttons and checkboxes, populates text areas, and handles dropdown lists. Its even semi-judicious with the responses. Privacy Policy This extension is completely private. All data saved using this extension are kept locally on the browser and available only to the user. This extension does not collect nor transmit any data to any parties. V 2.3.1 - Suggested keypress shortcut Ctrl+Shift+Period (Thanks Daniel M. for feedback) - Small bug fixes V 2.3.0: - Upgraded to manifest V3 - Bug fixes - Enhancements for more precise form filling V 2.2.1: - Bug fixes V 2.2: - Credit card support - Enhancements and bug fixes V 2.1: - Support for some HTML5 input field types such as tel, email, and url. V 2.0: - Compatible with newer versions of Chrome. - New options page to specify custom data to fill out forms with. - Thanks metalgear800 for the icons. V1.1, V1.2: More randomness. Bug fixes. V1.0: First release. Why JunkFill? Most web forms are not designed with end users in mind. They are long and annoying. People would just give junk responses anyway. JunkFill only facilitates the process. Finally, JunkFill is a decent tool for testing your own annoying web forms :) Usage: After installing, click the JunkFill icon anytime you want to auto-populate a web form.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the JunkFill Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the JunkFill Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Changes webpage elements' autocomplete to be on. It helps you with enabling autofill feature for disabled web sites.
A form filler that fills all inputs on a page with fake/dummy data.
Presents a simple dropdown menu for textboxes from a list of preconfigured items.
The most advanced tool for filling forms with fake and random data.
Populate form fields with one click. This is BETA version.
Simply fill forms with SimpleFill. The simplest and easiest form filler ever.
The most popular autofill extension, boosting productivity since 2010.
Emulates a click on the next button in a survey. Default shortcut ALT-X (can be changed at Chrome extensions bottom right)
Autofill Tel Aviv University Moodle surveys with NA.
Enable testers to fill forms automatically/on-demand based on (sets of) rules they wrote / captured.