Features: - shows the number of cards in every list in Trello - filters out divider cards containing two or more =,-,+ or _ characters - support for Kanban WIP (just add WIP limit to list name in square brackets) - support list joining (for example, add [0-] to left list title and add [-5] to right list for combine two lists together and set limit 5 for them)
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Kanbanello for Trello Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Kanbanello for Trello Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Shows you more lists in Trello by reducing the width of lists in Trello by up to 50%
The Board Summary for Trello extension displays summary data for Trello boards and provides a mechanism for nesting boards.
Boost your Trello Boards with Tags, Labels, Priorities, Counters, Calendar and more
Turn your Trello board into a Kanban system with WiP limits, combining lists, card count and collapsible lists
Allow to hide and show lists at Trello's boards.
Super-charge your Trello boards with Story Points, Projects and Progress bars
Provides some features for Trello, related with the card activity
Support arranging Trello lists into horizontal swimlanes. To start a new swimlane, just add | or a swimmer emoji to a list's header.
An extension that counts points on trello cards. We use it at OGD to make trello work just a bit better as a Scrum board. *…