USE IT FOR FREE! Finding profitable keywords for Amazon or Audible is no longer a problem! Whether you are a seasoned Self Publisher or have just entered the self publishing world, you know that one of the biggest obstacles and time consuming activity in this business is the keyword research. Thanks to this innovative tool, you can save a great deal of the time and focus you usually spend on this task. You merely have to enter the keywords you want to analyze in the extension, press start, and relax while the software works for you. In the meantime, you can take a pleasant coffee break or work on other tasks; the extension will work in the background, allowing you to use your computer to do anything else, and when the analysis is complete, it will notify you with a sound. You will only need to open the extension tab and see which ones and how many keywords meet the chosen profitability parameters. You can also open each keywords detail page and see the grid with BSR, reviews, publisher, and all the other data you need. (NEW) You can also use the FLASH MODE to quickly check a single keyword and see all the relevant data right on the Amazon/Audible page. Go on the keyword page that you want to analyze, click on the Flash Analysis button, and see the data of each item and the statistics of the page in a matter of seconds. But thats not all! KDP Miner also offers the “On the Fly” mode. Imagine that you are reading a blog, a social post, or anything on a website, and find one or more words that you think could be profitable keywords. Just select them, right-click, and order KDP Miner to analyze them in the background. The extension icon will turn green to indicate that KDP Miner has started the profitability analysis of the keyword on Amazon, and will notify you with a sound notification when the analysis is complete. In the meantime, you can go on to search for new keywords and continue to order the software to analyze them for you. All you have to do is open the extension and check at a glance how many fish are in your net. (NEW) From today you can benefit from the Cover Previewer function, the only tool on the market that allows you to compare the cover of the book you want to publish with those of the competition! Just open the page of the keyword on which you want to publish your book, upload your cover in .png or .jpg format, select the position in which you would like to insert it, and in less than a second you will see it appear on the Amazon page, right in the middle of your competitors. You may have received the cover from your designer and liked the image you saw, but then, after it went live in the store, you noticed that it wasnt standing out enough compared to the other covers, or that it wasnt good enough to beat the competition. Its normal, everything is relative, and nothing can be evaluated in a vacuum; thats why Cover Previewer will allow you to choose your covers even more accurately and get better results in Self Publishing. Main features of KDP Miner: - Works on 11 different markets: US - UK - ES - DE - IT - FR - CA - AU - IN - SG - AE - Analyze also Audible (NEW) - Flash Mode allows you to see all the data and statistics of a keyword directly on the Amazon/Audible page (NEW) - Evaluates the keyword data automatically by interpreting the details allowing you to understand at a glance whether the keyword meets the minimum parameters without the need to count manually - Provides a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to use - Extract the amount of reviews from ratings (NEW) - Offers you the Cover Previewer function - Export the data of one or multiple keywords as an Excel file - Works both while in standard or incognito mode - Customizable profitability parameters - Provides auto-suggestions for keywords related to the one entered - Indicates the number of new publications (settable) - Allows you to enter up to 45 keywords at a time and to analyze them all automatically - Offers the 'On the Fly' function allowing you to analyze the keywords from any website without even opening the extension, and letting you dig for new keywords while the software is doing the tedious job for you - Provides the details page of each keyword showing Titles, BSR, Reviews, Publication Date, and other data - Allows you to view the details of all the keywords on a single Chrome tab - Recognizes and shows you which titles are published by other self-publishers - Offers Smart Relevance Recognition System (SRRS), a system for automatic recognition of the relevance of the book for the keyword (can be activated/deactivated) - Adjustable analysis speed - Delivers two analysis options in the 'Books' category; data analysis in mixed formats (based on the first format that Amazon shows) and data analysis related only to paperback data KDP MINER IS CURRENTLY THE ONLY TOOL ON THE MARKET THAT OFFERS YOU ALL THESE FEATURES, FOR THIS REASON IT IS A PRECIOUS TOOL THAT CANNOT BE MISSING IN THE TOOLBOX OF A GOOD SELF PUBLISHER! No more endless copy and paste, no more having to spend hours on Amazon while you could use your time and computer to work on your products quality. Many other extraordinary features will be released soon!
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the KDP Miner Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the KDP Miner Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
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Productivity extension for Amazon !!! Works only on For other marketplaces please use the extended version:…