Download KeePassHttp-Connector chrome extension. KeePass integration for browsers using KeePassHttp and install in your Google chrome browser. This is Direct KeePassHttp-Connector Crx download for Chrome it is also called KeePassHttp-Connector offline CRX for chrome Download. This KeePassHttp-Connector is used to KeePass integration for browsers using KeePassHttp
Add full URL or hostname of the current page to the window title. Helps other apps, e.g., KeePass, identify current page.
Synology Web Clipper saves web content to your Synology NAS for quick and easy access. A complete page of text, pictures, and li...
Helper extension for KeePass to find and insert credentials, generate passwords, or save new logins without manual copy and paste
Passman - The password manager for NextCloud / ownCloud
Enpass extension autofills logins, passwords, credit cards and identities from the Enpass desktop application.
KeePassXC integration for modern web browsers
Kee adds private, secure and easy password management features which save time and keep your private data more secure.
Extension for automatically entering logins from KeePass
Browser syncing as it should be: secure, anonymous and free! Sync bookmarks across your browsers and devices, no sign up required.
Provides convenient access to Owncloud Bookmarks.