Extension allowing you to scrobble to Last.fm in Google Chrome. * Updates the 'Listening Now' feature on Last.fm * Scrobbles now playing songs at 50% played time * Shows list of recently played songs in popup window * Allows to unscrobble songs * Allows to love/unlove songs * Allows to download tracks from vk.com * Does not require your Last.fm username and password The current version of Lastique only supports YouTube and VKontakte (vk.com). http://vk.com/lastique Lastique can be easily extended to support other services as well. Project released under MIT license and hosted on Github. You are welcome to contribute: https://github.com/aromanovich/lastique
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Lastique Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Lastique Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Scrobble music all around the web!
Extension to the standard vk.com player functionality. It adds EQ, Last.fm scrobbling, media 'key's support, artist's bio and lyrics
Scrobble music all around the web! (beta)
Get the Friends Who Listen widget on Last.fm back
Scrobble whatever you type
Позволяет менять цвет оформления и фон социальной сети Вконтакте
Управление музыкой ВКонтакте с рабочего стола
Extensions for convenient use of the LastPlayer (popup control panel, hot'key's, VK status update)
С плеером для ВК Музыки, вы можете слушать музыку из ВКонтакте бесплатно и без рекламы
Scrobbles songs from YouTube Music or Google Play to Last.fm