Quickly search for articles and books with the Leiden Search Assistant! The Leiden Search Assistant allows you to search the Leiden University Library Catalogue, Web of Science, Google Scholar, WorldCat, and Pubmed at any moment, without having to navigate to the respective websites first. Click on the Leiden Search Assistant, insert the term you want to look for, select your service, and proceed with your search! Are you reading an article and you find a particular word or term that you would like to investigate? Select it with your mouse, right click, and discover what the Leiden University Libraries have to offer.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Leiden Search Assistant Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Leiden Search Assistant Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Search for scientific information as quickly as possible while researching and writing scientific papers.
Fast, convenient import of references and PDFs to your Mendeley Reference Manager library.
SponsorKliks is a free sponsor concept for sport clubs and other non-profits.
A library-approved tool to unlock access to academic papers.
Fast, one-click access to millions of research papers.
scite allows users to see how a publication has been cited, providing the citation context and classification
Bewaar en deel webpagina's en citaten gemakkelijk en snel in projecten binnen BOLAS.
Push Button. Get Research. Make Progress.
A complete research solution – Search and save papers online. Annotate PDFs directly on Chrome. Cite papers on Google Docs.
Summarizes research articles, creates interactive flashcards, highlights 'key' points, links to open-access versions of each citation