------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Release Notes: https://github.com/dmstern/likers-blocker/releases ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Usage Manual: https://dmstern.github.io/likers-blocker/#usage Block likers ------------------ * Once you click on a tweet, there is a link which indicates how many people liked this tweet. * Click on that link to get the list of all likers * Then click on the new button on the top which says 'Block all'. * After collecting the likers confirm that you want them blocked * The accounts will be added to a queue and the extension will slowly block all of them in the background while your browser is open. * You can watch the progress in the extension. * ✔ DONE. All the collected likers of the tweet are blocked. ? Block List Members -------------------------------- * Click on the details of a list * Click on 'members' * Then proceed with the third point above ('Block All'). Devleoped by ---------------------- Daniel Morgenstern (front-end) & Philip Kreißel (back-end) Follow us: ---------------- ? https://twitter.com/LikersBlocker Donate -------------- paypal.me/dmstr paypal.me/philipkreissel patreon.com/danielmorgenstern
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Likers Blocker Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Likers Blocker Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
A browser extension that allows you to detect and (optionally) Counter-block users who blocked you on Twitter.
Gives you more control over Twitter and adds missing features and UI improvements
Add a block button for a simple one click blocking.
Blocks all users on a following/followers page.
Make use of Twitter's blocking features with a simple click
Highlights transphobic/anti-LGBT and trans-friendly subreddits/users/facebook pages/groups with different colors.
해로운 사용자를 막는 새로운 체인블락 확장기능
One click followers cleaner
Forces your browser to use old twitter.
A new extension that returns old Twitter's look.