You can copy selected text to your notes in two clicks (Opera like). Sync your notes between computers. Also you can use this extension as simple notebook (notepad), and store you notes locally only. Version 0.27: Fix scrolling to selected not in list Version 0.26: Manifest v2 Fix bug when all notes deleted after sync not logged-in google bookmarks Fix bug when after adding new note selection cannot be changed Fix bug with localization context Menu Decrease height of popup to fit into netbook screen Version 0.25: Update to jquery 1.5.2 Version 0.24: Bugfix error: Click to another note in list after editing note text will cause note overwriting. Version 0.23: Button 'Reset last synchronization date' in options allows to sync without removing last deleted notes. Only merge. Version 0.22: Keep tabulation chars in notes during syncronization. Version 0.21: Now also possible add a page address to notes, when 'Context menu for links' enabled in options. Version 0.20: You can enable context menu for links in options. Now you can prevent insertion of note title. Just separate title from note body by '|' char. Title length limited by 50 chars. Version 0.19: You can open links from note text. Just set cursor inside link and click right mouse button. If url is valid then you can see 'Open' menu item. Version 0.18: Copy note with links from webpage with frames fixed. Some additional information about syncronization added to extension icon. Version 0.17: Now filter button clear quick search box when it not empty. Some fixes of notes titles in list. Version 0.16: You can enable saving links. Go to options and check 'Copy links for objects'. Version 0.15: Duplicate notes with link that contain # fixed. Button to filter notes by current page. Version 0.14: Current pages notes count indicator Auto syncronization option (interval 10 minutes) Version 0.12: Fix quick search Version 0.11: New context menu command 'Insert Note' allows insert note to editable text box. (dont try new command on this site, google blocks all scripts in extensions gallery) Version 0.10: Sometimes 'Sync' button shows progress but nothing happens. Now you will be redirected to login page. New command in context menu of note to change font size (for more accessibility). Version 0.9: Quick search Some changes in UI Version 0.8: Synchronization with Google Bookmarks Small fixes in layout. Improved usability. Version 0.6: Context menu for notes list changed because old one sometimes have been closed without command execution. Code refactoring. Version 0.5: Base functions.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the LinkedNotes Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the LinkedNotes Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
With this tool, you can create notes for specific website addresses.
An easy-to-use font inspector to get CSS styles of the selected element
You can use self-stick notes on any page
Extract CSS and build beautiful styleguides.
Bookmark manager with a clean and intuitive interface
Take notes for web pages and access them with a single click whenever you visit those web pages again. (Syncs to Google Drive)
A simple and powerful personal note taking environment.
Attach sticky notes to any page
Make notes and sync them. What could be more simple?
Click And Note - simple notepad and vault, tool for quickly saving notes, link and text on web pages