Lookup Word in Dictionary for Chrome Download
Chrome Extension Page
Total Number of Extension
10K +
Reviewed by :
85 Chrome Users
Author Name:
['baspeti@gmail.com', 'True', 'baspeti']
Lookup Word in Dictionary chrome extension is Looks up the selected text on a world famous online dictionary..
Just right-click on the selected text and choose
* Lookup text on the world famous, blue and red colored online dictionary
context menu item and there you go!
It was easy, huh?
Or alternatively you can hit 'Alt + W' shortcut to get the selected text looked up or if there is nothing selected, then the online dictionary is started up on a new tab. (Since version 1.2)
HINT: Just be careful not hitting 'Ctrl (Cmd on Mac) + W' instead, because it will close your active tab. But in case if you did so, dont panic, you can recover that tab by pressing 'Ctrl (Cmd on Mac) + Shift + T'.
Buy me a coffee :)
How to install Lookup Word in Dictionary chrome extension in chrome Browser
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Lookup Word in Dictionary Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
- Step 1: Go to the Chrome webstore https://chrome.google.com/webstore or download the extension Lookup Word in Dictionary Chrome Extension Download from https://pluginsaddonsextensions.com
- Step 2: Now search for the Lookup Word in Dictionary in Chrome Webstore Search and click on the search button.
- Step 3: click on the Lookup Word in Dictionary Chrome Extension Link
- Step 4: in the next page click on the Add to Chrome button to Download and Install the Lookup Word in Dictionary extension for your Chrome Web browser .
Lookup Word in Dictionary Chrome extension Download
Looking for a method to
Lookup Word in Dictionary Download for Chrome then this download link is for you.
It is the Lookup Word in Dictionary Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.