Lucidchart is the webs leading diagramming and visualization app. Install now to create and edit flowcharts, process flows, network diagrams, and more, both online and offline. Still using Visio? Lucidchart’s import and export options make the transition painless. Not only is Lucidchart easier to use—it’s more affordable. Global compatibility: -Imports Visio, OmniGraffle, and Gliffy files -Runs in all major browsers -Integrates with Drive, Slack, Box, Confluence, JIRA, HipChat, and Jive Shape libraries for every scenario: -Flowcharts, mind maps, and process maps -Mockups and wireframes -UML, ER, and network diagrams -Org charts and BPMN Perfect for teams: -Real-time collaboration -In-editor group chat and comments with @mentions -Powerful version control and revision history Enterprise-ready: -SSO and SAML authentication -Automated account provisioning -Account consolidation and secure domain lockdown Share and publish with ease: -Export to PDF, PNG, JPG, and Microsoft Visio -Embed diagrams in blogs, wikis, or websites -Post directly to social media
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It is the Lucidchart Diagrams - Desktop Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
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