? Features ⭐️ Select or Deselect a friend ⭐️ Select all friends ⭐️ One click and all selected friends start deleting ⭐️ Clean and intuitive design ⭐️ Account switching support If you ask: How to delete all friends on Facebook? How to remove inactive friends on Facebook? How to mass unfriend people on Facebook? ? Then you should choose Mass Unfriender ❗️Updates v1: Facebook new design supported ❗️❗️❗️ The Chrome extension is in no way associated with Facebook and its partners.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Mass Unfriender for Facebook | desktop Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Mass Unfriender for Facebook | desktop Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Easily manage your FB friends list. Unfriend a group of friends. Remove all friends on Facebook in one click.
L.O.C is a collection of automation tools.
Remove Friends
Bulk Remove Friends, Group Members and more!
Friend Maker | Toolkit for Facebook is a suite of Multiple Tools for Facebook. that will help you to automate the process of adding…
Remove inactive and deactivated friends from your Facebook account.
Manage your friends list, track engagement and locate inactive profiles to unfriend on your Facebook™ page
Unfriend all Facebook friends in one click