Mi-SigNature provides digital signature on web environment. It allows users to perform a digital signing on any data, to preserve the integrity of the data and to identify the authors of the data. It supports SHA-256 hash algorithm. It supports PKCS#12 and PKCS#11 hardware cryptographic tokens.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Mi-SigNature Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Mi-SigNature Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Digital Signature of eReturns, PDF & Web User Auth, RSA Encryption/Decryption, Certificate Enrollment/Download on Smartcard.
Easily and securely sign legally binding documents on Dokobit e-signing portal and login to various e-services of Dokobit partners
Signing XML document.
ČSOB e-banking component for electronic signing, operating with a smart card or other PKI operations.
Use your Asan ID smart card on the web
Smart cards access from Web browsers
eParaksts signing extension
Signing PDF document.
VASCO Smart Card Reader Chrome Extension
Module to communicate with digital signature application