This rendition of Minesweeper is a game that allows all the functionality and imagery of the original Minesweeper game. There are 4 levels, ranging from easy to expert, and an additional custom level, which lets you set the size of the board and number of mines. Additionally, there are scoreboards and settings which let you control how you play the game, and how the game looks. Enjoy!
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Minesweeper Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Minesweeper Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Play original 2048 puzzle game in popup anytime you want!
Play 2048 Multiplayer game On-line with your friends!
Colorful Rubik's Cube in Chrome from tCubed!
The classic game minesweeper as chrome extension!
The authentic snake game in a popup. Smooth animations and a saved high score!
A fun arcade game that plays in a popup. Stack falling tetra blocks without hitting the ceiling!
Play 3D game easily by clicking the little icon at the top right corner of your browser.
Single & Multiplayer Pong
a pacman popup for chrome!
Play over 50 levels of box-jumping madness! Design and share your own levels.