Enable SSO for your applications using this simple extension. - Single Sign On for all applications that you use on a daily basis. - Store usernames and passwords and miniOrange will log you in automatically - Never forget another password - Secure access to all of your applications - Enable MFA / 2FA on top of your application login Stop wasting time getting locked out of accounts or remembering passwords, miniOrange simplifies application logins while keeping your access secure.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the miniOrange Secure Single Sign-On Plug-in Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the miniOrange Secure Single Sign-On Plug-in Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
A secure way for Access Manager, CloudAccess and SecureLogin users to automate web and app logins for a single sign-on experience.
The free password manager extension comes with autofill & autologin including websites that support the Authenticator format.
Restrict Personal Gmail accounts in Business network
Avatier's single sign on logs you in to your web sites! No more remembering complex passwords and post-it notes on your monitor!
A debugger for viewing SAML messages