MoonTab将新标签页打造成你第二个桌面。 你可以订阅各个网站的最新文章和资讯:知乎、V2ex、掘金、人人都是产品经理、站酷、36氪等。 你可以记录待办清单,通过MoonTab提供的看板,高效的记录处理每日工作。 你可以收藏常用的网站到新标签页,并在多个电脑间同步配置。
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the MoonTab 新标签页 Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the MoonTab 新标签页 Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Minimalistic's chrome new tab page extension, hope every time open, you have a good mood.
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iTab is a new personalized tab with free customized widgets: Calender, Weather, Breaking News, Wallpapers and so on.
Save web pages and snippets to your Cubox
IHome is a practical tool browser new tab extension。And you can switch between multiple different browsers, and you don’t have to…
Easily find and subscribe to RSS and RSSHub.
Lime Start Page offers you a beautifully designed new tab with efficiency-increasing functions. This is the official extension of…