Click the icon to create a popup when you attempt to navigate to another page or reload the current one. The check mark indicates that you will be asked confirmation on the current tab. The red x indicates that you will not be asked to confirm leaving the page. Click the icon to toggle on and off. There is also an option to confirm when closing the window.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Navigation Confirmation Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Navigation Confirmation Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
This extension helps you better find and navigate through Chrome pages by offering a better, cleaner and smarter menu.
Bookmark Links From Context Menus
Right-click on one link and add it to your Bookmarks folder.
Hides the download shelf when all downloads complete
Keep one (optionally unfocusable) per window pinned tab open at all times. Prevents Chrome windows from closing with last tab.
Displays RAM Usage Information
Context menu to close - tabs to the left, tabs to the right, other tabs, tabs from same domain, current tab, window and more
Control Whether Links Open in a New or Current Tab
Prevent Chrome from closing without warning.
Prevent your tab to be closed or reloaded