For many years Google has failed to listen to its users and give us the ability to have a folder structure in whatever photos product they happen to be pushing. So I have written a small Chrome plugin that attempts to fix this issue. This is the third major version of this plugin, unfortunately rather than making it better the major versions have just been to keep up with googles new products, first Picasa, then G+, now Photos. This is v1 for Photos, and it is pretty rough, especially since I wrote it in one night. But it seems to function, could use some CSS help though. Use the naming structure Folder/Folder/Folder/Album when creating your album names. ChangeLog: v0.403 - Change album names to display only the name of the level navigated to rather than the entire name. v0.402 - add settings to control error retries, scroll attempts, scroll wait time during initial load. v0.401 - Port to Google Photos
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Nested Folders for Google Photos Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Nested Folders for Google Photos Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Download Google Photo Albums
Displays all Google products in a single, space-saving, drop-down panel
Easily find duplicate photos, songs and all files from the cloud storage
Extension management is easier with Extensioner.
Advanced search for Google Drive.
GLaunch is a simple tool which provides a popup panel linking to various Google services - Chrome Extension.
Upload any pictures you browse on internet to your favourite drives: Google Drive, Box, OneDrive, Dropbox
Allow you to copy a direct link, with extension, from Google Photos.