Minimalistic redirection of your New Tab page to Google Tasks. Its nice to have it in Mail, Calendar, etc. except I forget to look at it. This way I tend to see and hopefully *do* the things more often. **Update**, version 4: attempted fix the 'losing url when you open a new tab and paste a new url quickly'-problem. Let me know if you still run into problems (wish this silly forum sent notifications :/) Version 5: Should work with the new app store format now. Version 6: Options page with optional suffix on url, and possibly Google Apps for Your Domain. Im not sure it works as tasks doesnt really seem to support multi-login.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the New Tab to Tasks Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the New Tab to Tasks Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Replace new tab page with a personal dashboard featuring, fast access to installed applications, bookmarks, history.
Replace your New Tab Page with a personal dashboard.
Sets as the default new tab page.
Standalone Desktop app for Google Tasks. Export and share your Google Tasks lists in one click.
Google Bookmarking made easy.