全球首款支援 Netflix 全語言雙字幕的 Chrome 擴充套件,提供您更佳的觀影體驗! Best extension ever to unleash bilingual subtitles on Netflix! **沒有廣告、完全免費 | FREE & NO ADS** • 我們做到了!支援全部語言作為第二字幕 • 智慧型選擇:看日本動畫自動顯示日語 • 整合原生播放介面選單,切換語言不違和 • 提供即時預覽的設定介面 • 也順便做了播放速度調整(按 '[' 和 ']' 鍵) • Full language support (including Japanese, Russian, …) for the secondary subtitles • Smart enough to match the secondary subtitles to audio tracks • Seamlessly integrated with native player menu -- switch subtitles in one place • Fantastic pop-up settings menu with live preview (during movie playback) • Oh… one more thing, adjust the playback rate by pressing '[' and ']' keys ---------------- 本套件為開源專案 (Open source on GitHub) https://github.com/dannvix/NflxMultiSubs ---------------- • 本套件與 Netflix, Inc. 無關,使用期間發生的問題此套件與開發者恕不負責喔 • 本套件可能與其他 Netflix 相關套件衝突,很遺憾,遇到問題時請擇一使用 • 本套件可能與「廣告阻擋」之類套件衝突,請自行將 netflix.com 加入白名單或暫時停用該套件 • 若無法播放影片,多按幾次重新整理試試看… • This extension is not affiliated with Netflix, Inc; All rights belong to their owners. • This extension could conflict with other extensions (for Netflix); If you encounter any problem, please leave one of them. • This extension could conflict with ad blockers; please add netflix.com to their whitelists or disable the ad blockers. • Hit refresh few times if the playback does not work…
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the NflxMultiSubs (Netflix Multi. Subtitles) Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the NflxMultiSubs (Netflix Multi. Subtitles) Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Language Learning with Netflix & YouTube Extension - App for Language (AFL)
Learn English watching your favorites videos on Netflix! Translate any word from subtitles just by clicking on it.
Improve your skills on your own, effectively and enjoyably, by watching films and series in the language you study.
Display dual subtitles, use machine translation and speech recognition to generate subtitles.
Bilingual Subtitles for Netflix (fixed)
Chrome extension for netflix allowing to turn on several sets of subtitles simultaneously.
Display two subtitle languages at the same time.Rewind by a few seconds.Rewind to the start of phrases.Pause at the end of phrases
Language Learning with Netflix Extension - App for Language (AFL)
Load OpenSubtitles subtitles on Netflix
Bilingual Subtitles for Netflix