Changes links passed through redirection scripts (e.g. /cgi-bin/redirect.cgi?url= - often used for tracking click-throughs or forcing visitors through an intermediate adverts page) to point straight to the final URL. Based on my 'link neutraliser' bookmarklet
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the NoDetour Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the NoDetour Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Bypass some annoying popups that beg you to turn your adblocker off!
Makes website links more transparent and accessible, enhancing your awareness of your navigational security and privacy.
Skip intermediary pages that some pages use before redirecting to a final page.
Watch Movies and TV Shows without redirections to ads
This extension displays the url to which the redirect would have occured. Choice wisely if you want to proceed.
Reduce the risk of falling victim to phishing attacks.
Prevents Google from changing the URL of the search result when you click on it
Increase the speed & privacy of your browsing. Skip/remove tracking parameters & redirects from URLs to keep them shorter & cleaner.
Block harmful's sites and redirect URL's.