Sometimes I dont feel comfortable letting people see the content I am currently browsing when they passing by. Whenever you want to hide all of your tabs,this Chrome extension will help you to close all the tabs, save them into a temporary bookmark folder, and restore them later with one button. With this extension, users will be able to: - [ ] Hide ( & bookmark) all the tabs with one click. - [ ] Restore ( & remove the temporary bookmarks) all the tabs with one click. - [ ] Use Hotkey to hide & restore. 'windows': 'Ctrl+Shift+A', 'mac': 'Command+Shift+A', 'chromeos': 'Ctrl+Shift+A', 'linux': 'Ctrl+Shift+A' - [ ] Open your preset homepage when hiding all the tabs.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Now You (Don't) See Me Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Now You (Don't) See Me Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Hides all tabs very fast by single button click and restores them later. Also available a context menu option for control.
This extension allows user to close all opened tabs with a single button click or shortcut 'key' Ctrl+Shift+Y .
An advanced tab session manager for Chrome
Hides / Blurs inactive windows and tabs to keep your browsing truly private.
Block access to domains and hide / restore tabs. Data is synced to all Chrome browsers you are logged in to (if sync is enabled).
Easily hide and restore all open tabs with the click of a button!
Instantly hide and restore your open tabs.