NSFW Filter is a free, open source, and privacy-focused browser extension to filter out 'not safe for work' content. Under the hood, NSFW Filter uses an artificial intelligence model to detect NSFW content and block it. This project is completely built by volunteers and will be forever free and open source. If you would like to contribute to the development of the project, visit: https://github.com/nsfw-filter/nsfw-filter
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the NSFW Filter Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the NSFW Filter Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Beat porn once and for all. Redirect your temptations to wholesome and healthy outlets.
Block the feed on LinkedIn
Porn blocker for Chrome. Can block over 2 Mn porn websites. Can also block sites as per your preferences.
Anti-porn website blocker. block porn sites, Protect from offensive content and sex-adult websites.
The most powerful adult porn websites blocker. Enjoy the beauty of the clean internet without worries.
Intelligently blocks adult/pornographic content by applying artificial intelligence to analyze images on every page
Sometimes you browse reddit at work. We get it... we do it too. But randomly clicking a NSFW post isn't worth getting fired over...
A browser extension that blurs all images on a page, for when you want to be discreet or don't want to look at certain images.
This extension filters images by analyzing their pixels, those within the human skin range are replaced by a grayscale tone