Add download zip links to package pages on the website. This is the same as the .nupkg file saved by Visual Studio. Once installed browse to any Nuget package page and follow the download zip link. For example, that page above.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the NuTake Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the NuTake Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Seamlessly integrate and test SOAP & REST services.
Now everyone on the team can own quality. Capture findings, create issues, and collaborate with the team, directly from the browser.
Interacts with Visual Studio's Browser Link feature
Simplifies the GitHub interface and adds useful features
On MSDN, Stack Overflow and Gist sites you can execute and customize any code sample, without leaving the page. On any other…
Construct custom Web Socket requests and handle responses to directly test your Web Socket services.
Change all GitHub repository and gist pages to be full width and dynamically sized.
Chrome Developer Tools extension for jQuery development
Developer notifications and dashboard for CI servers
Chrome extension that improves the GitHub experience