og:me lets you quickly download the image defined in the og:image tag of a webpages HTML. TO USE: 1) Click the og:me Chrome extension icon when visiting any webpage 2) Click on the displayed image in the preview box to download it This Chrome extension should be particularly useful for social media editors and managers who want to streamline the process of grabbing a social-optimized image off any article page so that the image can then be uploaded onto another social platform. og:me also shows a preview of the current og:image, so you can see how well-optimized that image is for social sharing. If no image is defined in the og:image tag, no image preview will appear—so if its in your power you should, you know, fix that. Note that the image will be downloaded to the destination defined by the users Chrome settings, which usually defaults to the Downloads folder. For feature requests and bug reports, submit items to the Github repo: https://github.com/austinjalexander/ogme/issues. Created by @austinjalexande and @NateGoldman.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the og:me Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the og:me Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Batch-download and name images according to their content.
A light-weight extension to preview the open graph tags ( og tags) of the page in your current tab
Check Open Graph on internet unreachable sites like localhost or under basic auth. Temporary host site head tags on 'hash'ed url.
Check and preview the social sharing details from a page's Open Graph metadata