This extension adds some useful feature to the browser code editor of Google Earth Engine Features: - a night mode - add a cache for the OEEL (Open Earth Engine Library) - open the code editor if we click on the icon (or the OEEL documentation if the code editor is already open). - buttons (arrows) to insert function signature from the documentation to the code editor - a button to upload images by drag-and-drop using manifests - allow for automatic export. - command+S for saving on mac - PlanetLab imagery (search / order / transfer to GEE) using Planet API. - check is assets are shareable when 'get link'. - add a button to run all tasks - add support for Plotly in code editor and EE App (including events) - open script in a new tab when double click on it - set the Font (inc. size) of the code editor - a terminal for debugging - copy JSON when double click on the JSON button - a red header console for crash - add Python interface - a link to the external documentation
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Open Earth Engine extension Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Open Earth Engine extension Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
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