Instagantt makes awesome Gantt charts out of Asana projects, but its a hassle to have to open the two apps separately. This adds a link to the Instagantt app from the header of your Asana dashboard!
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Open Instagantt from Asana Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Open Instagantt from Asana Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Create a Gantt chart from your Trello board in only one click. Created by Planning & Tracking tools for Trello
See your tasks from 40+ other services on Chrome's new tab page. Asana, Basecamp, GitHub, Gmail, OmniFocus, Trello, Zendesk, more.
Accurate employee time tracking software for reporting, invoicing and payroll.
Adds project labels to your Trello Boards
One-click access to your Trello Boards
Track time from Chrome and within popular project management tools.
Copy, export, and print from Asana flexibly
Quickly add your notes, website research and archive it as attachment to Asana, from any web page or Chrome window.