Helps jump between last used tabs by keyboard shortcut in Chrome, Yandex Browser and other Chromium-based browsers. Default shortcut: Alt + Q Based on clut-chrome-extension ( / MIT License), but without any analitycs and third-party code. Just core functionality. Open source and needs only 'tabs' permissions. This extension tries to allow you switch between open tabs in a Most Recently Used fashion. It remembers the order in which you switched tabs (made a tab active) and it updates its records so that you can switch to the recently used ones quickly. Note: Sometimes after updating the extension the keyboard shortcut settings get reset. Hence you might want to set the desired key board shortcuts again in the keyboard shortcut settings in the Chrome Extensions page. The project is made open source in GitHub: [Default Keys:] *ALT + Q*: Quick switch *ALT + S*: Normal switch *ALT + Shift + S*: Normal switch (in opposite direction) *Keys can be changed in keyboard shortcut settings on the Chrome extensions page.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Open Last Tab Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Open Last Tab Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Use the shortcut
Add 'key'board shortcuts to switch tabs with a Quicksilver-style search or a most recently used menu
Cycle through last used Chrome tabs using 'key'board shortcut.
Use Ctrl+Tab to switch between tabs in MRU order, with optional thumbnail previews.
Close tabs using a context menu option.
Provides a menu with your previous tabs in order of access - never loose track of you last tab again!
Switch between tabs in the most recently used order, can be configured to use Ctrl+Tab as a shortcut
Rapidly filter and switch between windows & tabs
Use the back 'key' to close the tab if there are no pages to go back to. When it closes, go to the tab that created it.
Customize 'key'board shortcuts and hot'key's, Mouse gestures, Wheel gestures, Rocker gestures, Bookmark shortcuts, Joystick actions.