Have you been impatient with the video with overlapping player bar? Adding this extension makes it possible to move the player bar outside the video. ・Works on video page ・Added player bar toggle button ・Blends in with YouTubes user interface ・Live streaming page support ・Default view & Theater mode both support ・Full screen mode support (now, can scroll the screen) ・Support dark theme user interface ・High performance & saving memory design ・Actively maintained ・Open source code See https://git.io/vNFtI for release notes.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Outside YouTube Player Bar Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Outside YouTube Player Bar Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
YouTubeプレイヤーの時計要素を拡張 + 関連ユーティリティ
View highlights on the video player, that are generated from timestamps found in the description and top comments.
Reorgnize the layout of youtube
This extension shows the headlines of the video entirely without hiding them partially, as by default.
Always display a tiny progress bar with buffer loading on YouTube's player even in the fullscreen mode