Phonetically Intuitive English (Literacy Edition) is a Chrome extension that can automatically add diacritics to English words to make their pronunciation crystal clear, based on a one-page, easy-to-learn scheme (included in this extension). This 'Literacy Edition' is intended for American children learning to read. We also provide an 'English Learners Edition' on our website for people who learn English as a second language to learn correct pronunciation, which uses a slightly different scheme that mimics the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). Five modes (Full, Less Full, Medium, Lite and Extra Lite) are provided for users of different literacy levels. Modes for advanced learners (Less Full, Medium, Lite and Extra Lite) will show fewer diacritics.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the PIE (Literacy Edition) Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the PIE (Literacy Edition) Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Convert English words to IPA Symbols
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Memslate > Memorize your Translations
Select any text to see its IPA transcription and to hear its pronunciation.
Speak confidently with instant feedback on any conversation from an AI speech coach.
Look up any word in an inline frame with a simple click and without leaving the page.
Helps to transcribe English words by double-clicking on the word while holding Alt + Ctrl (or Alt + Cmd 'key' on Mac).
Save vocabulary in its context and review them later. A highly efficient tool to improve vocabulary when learning foreign language.