A customizable dark theme for pinterest.com. Features: - Uses the original color palett. - Does not invert colors. - Supports settings menu. - The User can change: 1. Rounding of images 1. Corners indentation Project Github: https://github.com/VitaliyMubarakov/PinterestNuar
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Pinterest Nuar | Dark Theme Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Pinterest Nuar | Dark Theme Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Dark theme for TikTok. Easily switch TikTok site mode to dark or light with one click.
Install Dark mode for Chrome to enjoy dark theme (night mode) on any website
Dark mode for Google Docs!
Free download Pinterest video and image. And support batch download to a folder.
The dark theme for Instagram protects your eyes by changing colors to darker ones.
Creates dark mode for Wattpad editing mode only.
Enjoy the web in the new night colors and protect your eyes
Modern, dark mode for Google Docs
Changes soundcloud.com to a dark theme.