Extension that shows prayer times for given countries. It can work offline and call out Adhan when its time. You can ask your questions related to extension in the link below: http://ask.fm/namazvakitleri Features: -It shows prayer times for 203 countries. -Works offline. -Shows a little countdown on its icon. -Reminds you before Adhan. -It can keep prayer times for a month. -It can call out Adhan. -Times are taken from 'The Presidency of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Turkey' .
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Prayer Times Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Prayer Times Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Prayer Times including all year timetable for any location in the world. Including prayer time notifications.
Easily access prayer times and see how much time is left until next prayers.
In-Browser Prayer Times and Notifications
Islamic Prayer Times for Facebook
İstediğiniz kategorideki son haberlerden anında haberdar olabilmenizi sağlayan faydalı ve kullanışlı bir Chrome eklentisi.
Gunluk Hava Durumu - Google Chrome Eklenti-Uzanti Uygulamasi
Accurate prayer times calculations based on islamicfinder.org with many customizable features