Previews (For TTV & YT) creates a live video or image preview when hovering over streams on Twitch & YouTube And offers a bunch of quality of life improvement features for both platforms. Check the features list below for more quality of life improvement features. * Refresh opened TTV & YT tabs after adding the extension. Features: * Twitch: - Image or live video stream previews in the sidebar & directories. - Preview resize & volume control. - Clips Previews. - Streaming: See your own live stream thumbnail as seen by viewers. - Sidebar Favorite Channels List. - Sidebar YouTube Channels List. - Multi Stream & Multi Chat. - Transparent / Dynamic Chat Overlay. - Full Screen With Chat Mode. - Auto Channel Points Clicker. - Auto Claim Drops & Moments Clicker. - Clip Downloader. - Auto Refresh on player errors (#1000, #2000, #3000, #4000). - Predictions Notifications when you dont know its happening (for example if your chat is closed or you are not in the tab or browser). - Predictions Sniper (will participate in predictions for you). - Prevent Automatic Video Quality Change. - Seek Streams Using Keyboard Arrow Keys. - Fast-Forward Stream. - Screenshot Stream. - Record Stream. - FlashBang Defender. - Clear Chat Button. - Incognito Chat. - Native Picture In Picture in current stream (Browsers PIP feature). - Custom Picture In Picture via the button under the view count in the sidebar. - Auto Extend the sidebar to show all live streamers (when sidebar is open). - Sidebar Stream Search: A purple search button at the top of the sidebar to find live streamers easily in the sidebar. - Hide All Sidebar Sections Except The Followed Channels. - Full Sidebar Channel Tooltips. - Mute Auto-Playing Videos In Various Pages. - Advanced Video Embeds. - Hide TTV Extensions Overlays. - Keyboard shortcuts for applicable features. - Also supports inverted layout (when chat is on the left and streamers on the right). * YouTube: - Image or live video stream previews in the sidebar. - Preview resize & volume control. - Theater / Full Screen With Chat Mode. - Multi Stream & Multi Chat. - Transparent / Dynamic Chat Overlay. - Screenshot Stream. - Record Stream. - FlashBang Defender. - Player Playback Speed Controls. - Go Directly To Live Streams From The Sidebar. - Show Live Streamers View-Count In The Sidebar. - Native Picture In Picture in current stream (Browsers PIP feature). - Custom Picture In Picture via the button on the channel card in the sidebar. - Prevent Video Click-To-Pause / Play. - Copy URL At Current Time Button. - Auto Theater Mode. - Keyboard shortcuts for applicable features. - Also supports Right-To-Left (RTL) layout. * To change any feature setting click the extension at the top bar to open the extensions options menu. How to use: 1. Add the extension to your browser. - If you already have a TTV or YT tab opened - refresh it. 2. Hover your mouse over a streamer on the sidebar / directories. - A preview will appear next to the hovered stream. Feature Notes: ** Stream Previews - Live image and video previews when hovering over streams in the sidebar and directories. ** Streaming - see your own live stream thumbnail - Shows your own streams live thumbnail preview, as seen by viewers, when hovering over the logo at the top left. ** Multi Stream & Multi Chat - You can add Multi-Stream and Multi-Chat on the fly to any page youre on directly from the sidebar or via the top search bar (if the Multi-Stream feature is enabled). - There is also a button that is located next to the stream uptime under the stream. - Clicking it will start Multi Stream on a new tab - so you can still enjoy the benefits of the sidebar and the search function at the top bar. - In the new Multi-Stream tab, add a stream from the sidebar or search for a stream at the top search bar and click the Multi-Stream button in the results to add the stream. - You can scroll the page, change background color & transparency, font color, weight, increase/decrease size, fullscreen, drag, resize and minimize the boxes (top bar and bottom right corner of the boxes). - If the Auto Channel Points feature is enabled, it will collect points in the chat box. - If you enable the Sidebar YouTube Channels features, you can also add their streams to the Multi-Stream and use it cross-platform. ** Full Screen With Chat - The button will show next to the theater mode or fullscreen button in the player controls. - Hovering over it will show two options: Full Screen with Custom chat overlay or Default Chat. - The Custom chat will automatically position itself over the video to the right and stretch to screen height. - You can resize, move it around, align to each side and change styles with the controls at the top of the chat box. - The Custom chats settings (position, size, colors, etc..) will be saved for the current page session. - Exit the mode by clicking the button again or just by exiting fullscreen. ** Sidebar Favorite Channels - A new Favorites list at the top of the sidebar (for your most favorite streamers). - Add streams to your favorites list by clicking the Favorites button next to the bell under the stream. - The list will show only the currently live streams in your favorites list. - Note: the feature relies on the followed channels list, so it will auto-expand (show more) when the sidebar is opened. if its closed, the list will still populate but will be partial. - Note: it might take a few seconds for the list to show or update. ** Sidebar YouTube Channels - A new list at the top of the Twitch sidebar to show your subscribed YT channels that are currently live. - The list data will update every 15 minutes. - Supported by the Custom Picture-In-Picture and Multi-Stream & Multi-Chat features so you can use the Multi-Stream cross-platform. - You need to be logged in to YT on your browser (just go to and login if you arent already). ** Auto Channel Points Clicker - This feature automatically clicks the green channel points redeem button. - It also works when chat is closed and when the tab or window is in the background. ** Clip Downloader - The button will show in the player controls of clips. ** Sidebar Stream Search - A purple search button on the top of the sidebar to find live streamers easily. - Searches within the currently shown streamers so the sidebar will automatically extend to show all live streamers when you start searching. ** Sidebar Extend - Auto extends the sidebar to show all live streamers (when sidebar is open). ** Hide All Sidebar Sections Except The Followed Channels - Hides all the other sections in the sidebar except the followed channels. ** Mute Auto-Playing Videos In Various Pages - Mutes the auto-playing video players in various pages. ** Native Picture In Picture - The button will show next to the theater mode button in the player controls. - Clicking it will start the browsers Picture In Picture for the current stream. ** Custom Picture In Picture - A small button will appear under the view count when you hover a streamer - click it and a persistent preview window will appear (you can add as many as you like). ** Auto Refresh On Player Error (#1000, #2000, #3000, #4000) - Refreshes the player if an error occurs. ** Prevent Automatic Video Quality Change When In Background - Prevents automatic video quality change when the player is in the background (when switching tabs / tasks). - Prevents 99% of player errors (#1000, #2000). ** Seek Streams Using Keyboard Arrow Keys - Seeks 5 seconds back or forward using the keyboard left/right arrow keys. - Note: the buffer size varies between 0 seconds to two minutes. ** Fast-Forward Stream - Useful if your stream is delayed. - The button will show in the player controls next to the play/pause button. - Click it to fast-forward the stream to the latest point in the buffer. ** Screenshot Stream - The button will show in the player controls. - You can capture multiple screenshots and then save only the ones you like. - The screenshots are captured at the same resolution as the stream. ** Record Stream - Click to start recording, click again to stop recording and save. - Works great with the 'Seek Using Keyboard Arrows' feature. ** FlashBang Defender - For when its late night and the streamer opens a white screen. - Toggles a semi-transparent overlay on top of the stream. - The button will show in the player controls. ** Clear Chat Button - The button will show under the chat. - Clears all the messages in chat. ** Predictions Notifications - Predictions started and Predictions results notifications when you dont know its happening (for example if your chat is closed or you are not in the tab or browser). ** Predictions Sniper - The predictions sniper will participate in predictions for you. - The sniper will choose the prediction option with the most amount of votes received at the time of entry (x seconds before prediction closes). - If you have your chat open (no need), you will see the prediction menu for a split second when the sniper is entering a prediction. - You can enable the Predictions notifications feature if you want to know whats happening in real-time. - If there is already a bet made on the prediction, the sniper will not add more points. - To change Sniper settings for individual streams, click the Sniper settings button under the chat. -- Default Settings: - Bet % - the percentage of channel points you want the sniper to bet. - Max num of points - the maximum amount of points the sniper is allowed to vote with. - Min vote margin % - a percentage representation of the minimum required vote margin between the two prediction options for the sniper to participate. -- For example: option A- 100 votes, option B- 115 votes, vote spread: A-46.51% B-53.49%, vote margin: 6.98% (53.49% - 46.51%). if the minimum vote margin is lower than 6.98%, the sniper will participate in the prediction. - Seconds - the amount of seconds the sniper will make a prediction before the prediction closes (min 2s). - Remember that this is a statistical tool and wins are not guaranteed. ** Advanced Video Embeds - This applies to the Multi-Stream feature and on-the-fly video embeds (not previews). - Bypasses purple screen. - Adds enabled features to embeds (seek, fast-forward, auto-refresh, picture-in-picture, fullscreen with custom chat, flashbang defender, stream screenshot). - Seeking using the keyboard arrow keys in these embeds will be in 1.5 seconds intervals instead of the normal 5 seconds to allow easier streams synchronization for Multi-Stream. - Note: this feature will use more resources when using said embeds. if you notice performance issues you can turn this feature off. - Note: if youre using a different extension that replaces the main player, you might still experience a purple screen. ** Go Directly To Live Streams From The Sidebar - Goes to a channels live stream directly from the sidebar instead of the channels home directory. - Only on live channels. ** Show Live Streamers View-Count In The Sidebar - Shows live streamers view-count on their card in the sidebar. ** Player Playback Speed Controls - Increase, Decrease and Reset the video playback speed. ** Prevent Video Click-To-Pause / Play - Prevents the video from pausing / playing when clicking on it. ** Copy URL At Current Time Button - Opens a small box with the URL to the video at the current time. - Useful in live streams where this is not possible by default. © MarkM. this extension is not affiliated with or
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Previews (For TTV & YT) Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Previews (For TTV & YT) Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
The TwiBlocker Adblock extension helps you block video ads.
Adds extra features to Twitch
Triggers fullscreen view of twitch stream with chat overlay
Show Twitch chat on top of the stream player. Read chat, send messages, claim points, and more, without leaving fullscreen mode
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