Deprecated. Please upgrade to SwitchyOmega instead. ---------------------------------------------- THIS PROJECT IS NO LONGER ACTIVELY MAINTAINED! ---------------------------------------------- 项目已经不再维护,请升级到 SwitchyOmega. Features: : Use Chrome Proxy API instead of changing system proxy settings. : Support auto switching, which switches among proxy profiles according to URL rules. : Data import and export. : Online rule lists (AutoProxy? compatible). : Use event handling (which is much more efficient and accurate) instead of polling to monitor proxy change. : Advanced quick switch mode options allow you to switch among your proxies with one click. Enjoy~ Why am I working on the project? News came that @gh05tw01f decided to stop updating and supporting SwitchyPlus. So I modified the source code for my own use. In the spirit of being open, I used GPL on my modifications and started a new open source project, SwitchySharp. As users requested, I uploaded the extension to Chrome Web Store.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Proxy SwitchySharp Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Proxy SwitchySharp Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.