Cant find what youre looking for in your Netflix queue? Use this Chrome extension to easily update the sort order of your Netflix queue by title, genre, rating and combinations of the three. Makes it easier to find what youre looking for when using devices like ROKU, Wii and smart phones or tablets. Additional features coming soon. Please send us feedback about bugs or feature requests using the 'send feedback link on the details tab of the Chrome Web Store. Or contact us directly at How it works: After you have installed the QHelper Chrome extension do the following: 1. Navigate to your Netflix DVD Queue or My List 2. The QHelper menu bar will appear above the netflix menu bar. 3. Click the Sort link. The QHelper sort window will appear. 4. Select the desired sort order and click the Sort button. Version Updates: 0.2.8 1. Resolved issue that caused menu bar to not display on the My List queue.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the QHelper Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the QHelper Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
A film queue for Netflix.
Link to movie and TV show trailers on Netflix.
Quickly decide what to watch on Netflix
Takes a url from and sparses it to a Netflix search with Google.
Add TV shows on Netflix to channels that you create and manage, enabling you to watch episodes from multiple TV shows back-to-back.
Quickly and Easily search for movies and TV series on Netflix using FindFlix to see Netflix's hidden categories.
Add trailers, IMDB, Rotten Tomato, and MetaCritic ratings to the Netflix webpage.
Netflix fixes: movies go to pages instead of playing, removes sliders, shows ratings, and hides bad recommendations and rated items
Show trailers, IMDb/Simkl ratings, secret categories and much more, on the Netflix page. Sync Netflix or Crunchyroll to Simkl.