Support the next release on Kickstarter! (until January 24, 2019) Quick Javascript Switcher is a Chrome extension that enable / disable JavaScript on the fly by hostname, and subdomain. (unlike to Chris Pedericks 'Web Developer' extension who globally disables javascript) For example, disable javascript on not disable js on Shortcut Windows [Alt+Shift+Q] Mac [Command+Shift+Q] The default shortcut can be customized in chrome://extensions/shortcuts Works with Chrome 16+ [FR] Quick Javascript Switcher est une extension permettant dactiver / désactiver JavaScript à la volée et par nom de domaine, et sous domaine. (A la différence de lextension de Chris Pederick 'Web Developer', qui désactive globalement JavaScript) Par exemple, désactiver javascript sur ne désactivera pas le js sur Raccourci clavier Windows [Alt+Shift+Q] Mac [Command+Shift+Q] Le raccourci par défaut peut être modifié dans chrome://extensions/shortcuts Fonctionne à partir de Chrome 16+ __________________________________ /* Log info */ 1.4.12 ===== Fix bug with chrome 91+: 1.4.4 ===== Small fixes and promotion for the next release! (Kickstarter crowdfunding) 1.4.1 ==== Implement a hack to fix this chrome issue in incognito mode: 1.4.0 ==== Add synchronized options fix some bugs 1.3.2 ==== Custom Shortcut added (you need to edit manualy in tools > extensions > keyboard shortcuts (in the bottom right)) 1.3.0 ==== - Donation added (in Options) 1.2.0 ==== - Many Fixes - Way to import / export rules - Fix incognito mode 1.1.0 ==== Auto-refresh added & options page improved (auto-refresh can be disabled trough the options page) 1.0.8 ==== Fix background_page error in manifest v2 1.0.7 ==== Update to manifest version 2 1.0.6 ==== Icon modification for accessibility of red/green color deficients
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Quick Javascript Switcher Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Quick Javascript Switcher Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
An easily way to turn ON/OFF website's JavaScript
Toggle JavaScript engines (inline, data URL, remote, and external) on and off the easy way
User JavaScript and CSS on any website
Run custom JavaScript on any website.
View source is dead. See how the browser renders a page, not just what the server sends.
A smart extension that controls javascript, iframes, and plugins on Google Chrome.
Switch JavaScript engine ON or OFF with just one click!
Convert characters between Chinese Simplified and Chinese Traditional
Run custom Javascript, each time you visit a website
Enable or disable JavaScript without the hassle.