Randomly choose something from your Netflix recommendations (listings page). Changes: Version 0.0.2: Now works with movies.netflix.com and www.netflix.com
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Random Netflix Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Random Netflix Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
A film queue for Netflix.
Effortless binge-watching your favourite shows on Netflix! Netflix Go bypasses the 'Continue Playing' pop-up, and lets you…
This extension shows hidden and secret categories on the popular streaming service.
Browse Netflix using over two thousand hidden genres, topics, directors, and actors.
Quickly and Easily search for movies and TV series on Netflix using FindFlix to see Netflix's hidden categories.
Extension for Netflix™ to skip intros, recaps, start next movie/episode in faster pace and many more.
Easily adjust the brightness, saturation, and contrast of Netflix streams!
Searches Netflix for movies in iCheckMovies top lists.
Access 27000 Hidden Secret Categories on Netflix
Show trailers, IMDb/Simkl ratings, secret categories and much more, on the Netflix page. Sync Netflix or Crunchyroll to Simkl.