Reddit Faster lets you open a subreddit just by typing its name. To use, type rdd in the address bar to activate Reddit Faster. Then, simply type the subreddits name and press enter. Thats all! Main features: - One-step navigation to any subreddit or multireddit - Search all of Reddit straight from your address bar - Sort posts and access subreddit sections with simple commands Search functions Searching Reddit is easy: you simply type search, followed by the words you want to search for, and press enter. Do you want to search for a subreddit? Type search subreddits, followed by your search words. You can even search within a specific subreddit by typing the name of the subreddit, followed by search, followed by the words you want to search for. (In previous versions this functionality was handled using short prefixes. These will continue to work. For a list of prefixes see the full Readme at Sorting posts in a subreddit Posts in a subreddit can be sorted by any of Reddits available sorting methods (top, new, hot, rising & controversial). All you have to do is type the subreddits name, followed by the name of the sorting method. Wikis and Imgur albums Many subreddits provide a wiki which compiles a lot of useful and interesting information on the subreddits topic. These wikis can be accessed by typing the subreddits name, followed by wiki. Similarly, any subreddit which accepts picture submissions will have an associated Imgur album. These albums can be accessed by typing the subreddits name, followed by img. A full Readme with more detail and examples is available at New in version 1.1: - Updated to remove unnecessary tabs permission
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Reddit Faster Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Reddit Faster Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.