Switching between dark pages on Chrome can sometimes lead to a blinding flash of white. This extension tries to preserve background color between page loads, if possible. For the real Lords of Darkness out there, setting a custom user stylesheet to your preferred color (https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1373#c261) will probably be more effective than this extension. The same trick applies to Firefox. Icon created by Anand A Nair from the Noun Project, CC.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Reduce Background Flicker Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Reduce Background Flicker Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
De-invert the luminance of entire pages or only images in Chrome for your already inverted screen.
Empty New Tab Page shows a blank dark page
Fix the white flash in new tabs or when clicking links
Double click any region in a webpage where you want to make its color warm.
Empty New Tab Page shows a blank, Black page, rather than the chrome default
A minimalistic grey new tab page for Google Chrome. No external network requests. No analytics. No tracking. No bullshit.
Busting whites since 2017
Declutter webpages and improve readability... Point, click, boom!
This extension brings back the ability to open new tabs to a simple blank new tab page void of any thumbnails or other data.