Scan a web app for use of vulnerable JavaScript libraries. The goal of retire.js is to help you detect use of version with known vulnerabilities. Retire.js web extension isnt the original RetireJS project but is predominantly based on RetireJS opensource repo available on github - ========== Release 1.9.0 - Adjusting severities based on github advisory data Release 1.8.9 - Fixed severity rating Release 1.8.8 - Added tableexport.jquery.plugin vuln Release 1.8.6 - Adding jquery-deparam vuln Release 1.8.5 - Update js repository Release 1.8.4 - Fixed CVE-2019-11358 Release 1.8.3 - Sync of versions with github database Release 1.8.2 - Fixed npm name of jquery.datatables Release 1.8.1 - Improved extractor for jquery.dataTables Release 1.8.0 - Added pendo vuln Release 1.7.9 - Added one more test case Release 1.7.8 - Updating vulnerability repo based on information from OSV Release 1.7.7 - Added test case for ckeditor Release 1.7.6 - Added CKEditor Vulnerable version less than 4.21.0 Release 1.7.5 - Improved Svelte detection Release 1.7.4 - Adding some more stuff and a bit of cleanup Release 1.7.3 - Updated information on known vulnerabilities Release 1.7.2 Added Ember.js prototype pollution vuln Release 1.7.1 - Adjusted the severity, from medium to high, of the vulnerabilities CVE 2022-24785 and CVE-2022-31129 Release 1.7.0 - Fixed underscore.js typo Release 1.6.9 - Fixed moment.js test Release 1.6.8 - Added jquery-ui CVE-2022-31160 Release 1.6.7 - Fixup for tinyMCE which includes dompurify Release 1.6.6 - Added next.js vulnerabilities Release 1.6.5 - Fixed uri jquery.dataTables vuln Release 1.6.4 - Added Svelte vulns Release 1.6.3 - Reported vuln for all versions of AlaSQL library Release 1.6.2 - Fixed axios typo Release 1.6.1 - Axios vulnerabilities added Release 1.6.0 - Adding plupload vulns for 3.1.4, 3.1.5, 2.3.8 and 2.3.9 Release 1.5.8 - Added CVE-2017-18214 in js report Release 1.5.6 - Added missing jquery-ui CVEs Release 1.5.5 - Added XSS vulnerabilities for CKEditor Release 1.5.4 - Added medium vuln for plupload below 2.3.7 and below 3.1.3 Release 1.5.3 - Removed errors in the reports Release 1.5.2 - I updated all of the mismatching severities based on NIST Release 1.5.1 - Additional error handling Release 1.5.0 - Fixed some bugs to recognize vulnerable js libs Release 1.4.9 - Added additional Bootstraps file content extractor Release 1.4.8 - Fixed incorrect tinyMCE vuln version Release 1.4.7 - Added some missing vulns to json repo Release 1.4.6 - Changed summary for jquery.ui.tooltip related vulnerability Release 1.4.5 - CVE specified for jQuery.htmlPrefilter Release 1.4.0 - Added CVE-2020-7676 for angular < 1.8.0 Release 1.3.8 - Added possibility of showing unknowns Release 1.3.7 - Reports XSS in jQuery < 3.5.0 Release 1.3.6 - changed handlebars.js -> handlebars in jsrepository.json Release 1.3.5 - Fixed bug: Handlebars not detected properly in newer versions Release 1.3.4 - Adds some missing vulns Release 1.3.3 - Added popular bootstraps uri extractor Release 1.3.2 - Added some vulns Release 1.3.1 - Added jQuery mobile XSS vulnerability Release 1.3.0 - Added jQuery vulnerability as per CVE-2019-11358 Release 1.2.9 - Added two Prototype Pollution vulns in Handlebars Release 1.2.8 - Added more descriptive link for angularjs vulnerability Release 1.2.7 - Added CVE identifiers about bootstrap release below 4.3.1 and below 3.4.1 Release 1.2.6 - Fixing regex for knockout Release 1.2.5 - Updated report about bootstrap vulnerabilities Release 1.2.4 - Fixed CkEditor vuln Release 1.2.3 - Added regex for handlebars hashbang comment Release 1.2.2 - Bootstrap: clarified vulnerabilities, added CVEs (#257) Release 1.2.1. - Replaced regex to match older versions of tinyMCE (#256) Release 1.2.0 - Fixed wrong react versioning for bug Release 1.1.9 - Added ExtJS vulns Release 1.1.8 - Added vue.js vulns Release 1.1.7 - Fixed typo in repo Release 1.1.6 - Add summary for CVE-2011-4969 and link to jQuery ticket (#228) Release 1.1.5 - CkEditor xss vulnerability reported ==========
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the retire.js Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the retire.js Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Chrome extension to analysis your website security. It provides various tools to find web security loopholes.
Sniffing out credentials
The all in one Red team extension for web pentester
The Shodan plugin tells you where the website is hosted (country, city), who owns the IP and what other services/ ports are open.
Adds warning message to WordPress Plugin Directory pages when plugins are from developer we have released security advisories for.
This extension tells if visited sites have vulnerability disclosure programs
Tiny vulnerability scanner based on vulnerability database. Passively scan websites while you surf internet!
A browser extension for Penetration Testing
OWASP Penetration Testing Kit
Abusing Trusted Types to discover XSS sinks.