Chrome Extension for one click downloading all resources files and keeping folder structures. *** ResourceSaver tab wont be available in devtool panel while your current tab is on url* *** *** Please note, this ext is a resources collector, not a website downloader, so it wont do the job that you can run the website locally *** Update Information: 2.0.6: Update icon 2.0.5: Bug fixes 2.0.4: Incognito mode quick fix 2.0.3: Add version switcher (including legacy versions such as 0.1.8 0.1.9) 2.0.2: Bug fixes for content blob promise 2.0.1: Refactor UI ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.1.9: Add download list 0.1.8: fixed zip file uncompressing with missing path issue in Windows 0.1.7: fixed Url to Path converting bug 0.1.6: getContent async problems fixed (turned all into sync before downloading) 0.1.5: Fix XHRs getContent issue, resolve XHRs filenames, add getContent timeout & No Content option 0.1.4: Change download file name into corresponding domain name instead of 0.1.3: Downloading issue potential fix 0.1.2: File extension detector bug fixes. 0.1.1: Added beautify code option (js-beautify) for JS,HTML,CSS fetching. 0.1.0: Unicode file path/name compatibility. 0.0.9: Add a compressing option that fetch all resources from browser-cache, compress(zip.js) & download at once. Thanks to @shanligang for contribution. 0.0.8: Continue download on chrome runtime error, bug fixes, violating path fixes. 0.0.7: Bug fixes. 0.0.6: Filepath bug fixes. 0.0.5: Improve stabitility. Bug fixes. 0.0.4: Including download for assests by XHR requests. 0.0.3: Bug Fixes. 0.0.2: Extension now re-fetchs resource contents from browser-cache in order to improve speed & stability.
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Save All Resources Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Save All Resources Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Save a complete page into a single HTML file
Download the resources displayed on a page easily!
Fast and easy way to copy web components, HTML widgets and parts of website design.
Extends the Developer Tools, adding a sidebar that allows images, fonts, stylesheets, and scripts to be batch downloaded.
Download the source code for chrome extensions via toolbar popup in .zip or .crx formats.
Easily clone pages when browsing the web.
A light batch download manager with flexible filtering/mass-renaming options that make downloading files a lot easier & productive.
Saves the current web page as one file with all external dependencies (style, script, images) downloaded and inlined
Save offline copy of current tab as MHTML file. Keyboard Command Alt+S.
Save a complete web page (as curently displayed) as a single HTML file that can be opened in any browser.