Save and Backup My Emails by cloudHQ for Chrome Download
Chrome Extension Page
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4K +
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35 Chrome Users
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['', '2127 30th Ave
San Francisco, CA 94116
US', 'True', 'cloudHQ', 'cloudHQ']
Save and Backup My Emails by cloudHQ chrome extension is Backup and archive emails in 3 steps.
Backup all of your emails in just 3 simple steps, and feel more secure and in control in case:
- You leave your job
- You switch email hosting services and need a new account
- You upgrade to a G Suite email address instead of using a free “” email
- You got hacked and you cannot access your account any more
- You accidentally deleted emails
With this tool, youll get all your emails, email threads, and any attachments in a PDF format that you can download to your hard drive or your USB key. Youll feel confident when your emails are literally in your hands.
cloudHQ. Helping professionals 1 click at a time.

How to install Save and Backup My Emails by cloudHQ chrome extension in chrome Browser
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Save and Backup My Emails by cloudHQ Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
- Step 1: Go to the Chrome webstore or download the extension Save and Backup My Emails by cloudHQ Chrome Extension Download from
- Step 2: Now search for the Save and Backup My Emails by cloudHQ in Chrome Webstore Search and click on the search button.
- Step 3: click on the Save and Backup My Emails by cloudHQ Chrome Extension Link
- Step 4: in the next page click on the Add to Chrome button to Download and Install the Save and Backup My Emails by cloudHQ extension for your Chrome Web browser .
Save and Backup My Emails by cloudHQ Chrome extension Download
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Save and Backup My Emails by cloudHQ Download for Chrome then this download link is for you.
It is the Save and Backup My Emails by cloudHQ Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.