Add context menu for images to save image as PNG, JPG or WebP format. There is an old Save Image As Type 1.0.5 extension created by another developer but cannot run now. I developed this new extension based on the old one. This extension is open source. No information is collected. No ads. No login or registration. Multiple languages supported. Release notes: 2015-02-08 - First release. 2023-05-11 - Migrate to chrome extension manifest version 3. - Use service worker instead of content script, as chrome recommended. - Add some languages 2023-05-22 - Fix bug for chrome 108 and older versions. - Add some languages
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Save image as Type Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Save image as Type Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Find and download all images on a web page with Image downloader.
Adds the 'Save Image As PNG' option to the context menu of images.
Adds a right-click direct download item for images, like Safari.
Convert Webp, Avif and other types of image before saving.
This extension automatically converts all downloaded pictures with the .jpeg or .jfif file extension to the .jpg file extension.
Browse and download images on the web