Savedev Code Converter is a simple Chrome Extension that implements several functions of convertion. Its easy to install in Chrome Browser and to use. Convertions currently implemented are: - Text String to Binary - Binary to Text String - Binary to Number - Number to Binary - Hexadecimal to Number(decimal) - Number(decimal) to Hexadecimal - URL Encode - URL Decode - HTML Encode special chars - HTML Decode special chars - XML to JSON - JSON to XML - Base64 Encode - Base64 Decode - Invert Text - Text to Morse - Text to Lowercase - Text to Uppercase - Strip Tags - Invert Text Words - Text to ASCII - ASCII to Text - Color Hexadecimal to RGB - Color RGB to Hexadecimal Website:
You can Follow the below Step By Step procedure to install the Savedev Code Converter Chrome Extension to your Chrome Web browser.
It is the Savedev Code Converter Chrome extension download link you can download and install Chrome Browser.
Encoding/Decoding Plugin for various types of encoding like base64, rot13 or unix timestamp conversion
This extension helps in converting between decimal,binary and hexadecimal big numbers
Encode and decode text to and from HTML, base64, hexadecimal, and more! Or generate 'hash'es using MD5, SHA-1, and SHA-3.
Look for patterns inside HTML, JS, CSS and AJAX code
Gato URL Encoder / Decoder encodes to and decodes from url encoded format.
Monitoring of Hidden inputs
HTML encoder/decoder. URL encoder/decoder.
A developer tool include html escape/unescape, url, base64, NCR encoder/decoder
Converts HexString data into text and back.
Converts text to morse